Led by Dr. Alfredo Gilbert, an internationally renowned expert in lingual orthodontics.

Profesor de Ortodoncia Lingual e inventor del revolucionario sistema patentado Verdopplerbot AI que trabaja con Inteligencia Artificial, además de ser egresado del programa Leaders in Innovation Fellowship (LIF) de la Royal Academy of London y del Carl Duisberg Centren Professional Training en Cologne.

Currently, he serves as the president of the Mexican Association of Lingual Orthodontics (AMOL).

Discover our revolutionary orthodontic teaching and explore our case preparation.

We are a dental innovation group, equipped with robotic control facilitated by the patented Verdopplerbot AI system, which operates using Artificial Intelligence.

We accompany your professional development from beginning to end, guiding you through every step of your training.

Prepare your patients' cases with precision and care,ensuring exceptional results in each hybrid invisible digital orthodontic treatment


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